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Education is compulsory, school is not (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Education is generally considered a fundamental right, and is often seen as one of the key factors in personal development and social progress. However, schooling, in the sense of formal state education, is not strictly compulsory in many countries. For example, in the United States, schooling is not compulsory at the national level, although individual states may have specific laws that make attending school a requirement of residents under a certain age. In some cases, home schooling or alternative forms of education may be permitted, although this may depend on the individual state policies.

As a result, while attendance at formal schooling institutions may not be compulsory in many places, education in the broader sense, through alternative forms of education and personal development and learning, is vital in many societies and cultures.

Education can open one's mind, allowing the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and the development of critical thinking and creative thinking abilities. It can provide access to valuable life experiences and the opportunity to meet individuals and perspectives from different backgrounds, and it can make meaningful contributions to the individual and broader society.

In light of these considerations, education is broadly seen as a critical factor in individual and societal development. It can provide valuable life experiences, a sense of personal growth and fulfilment, and the opportunity for individuals to contribute meaningfully to their communities and beyond. In this sense, education is not simply a matter of formal schooling but a broader process of personal and intellectual development and growth.

y providing access to learning, exploration and new ideas, education can play a vital role in enriching individual and societal life.

In conclusion, while many consider education an essential human right, formal schooling is not strictly compulsory in many countries, with different laws and policies varying by individual state and country. However, while compulsory formal schooling may not be an absolute requirement in many places, education in the broader sense is often seen as important in personal and social development.


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