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Everyone should have a gap year before they begin their career (Школьные сочинения)

Opinions regarding the gap year vary greatly among people. Some people consider it a waste of time. Others advocate that such a year should take place. In my opinion, graduates of educational institutions should take a one-year break before they start their career.

Firstly, a gap year gives people a great opportunity to travel, even abroad. Traveling to places unknown to you expands your horizons and knowledge about the world. Getting such an experience makes a person more confident in himself, which is so important in life and when choosing a career.

Secondly, it gives them the opportunity to rest and recover after hard school days and exams. A break year allows people to refresh their minds, identify and assert their interests or try out new hobbies.

Thus, a year of rest helps to start your career more efficiently.

ut some people believe that university graduates should start a career right after graduation. They claim that the earlier they start working, the more successful their career will be.

ut I disagree with the above statement.

I am sure that to get a successful career, you need not only education, but also life experience. A gap year can prepare future employees for various life difficulties that the university will not be able to cope with. So, during the missed year, most graduates become practically independent of their parents. They will be able to learn how to earn money on their own. Also, the ability to cope with life's problems and be versatile attracts employers.

In conclusion, I want to say that opinions may differ, but I think that graduates should take a gap year, because this year helps to enrich their consciousness and learn more about the world.


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