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It’s possible to stay safe on the Net (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The internet plays an essential role in our lives. Today an enormous part of personal information is kept on the Net. Therefore, programmers have been are caring about safety all time. However, not everyone believes in the safety of using the internet.

From my point of view, if a person follows some basic rules of security in the net, he will be not in danger. So first of all, all applications and websites oblige you to make a password to register there. Also, they check the fitness of the generated password to make sure that your data is protected well. Secondly, you can find many different apps that give an additional defense for your dates. In addition, you should remember the simplest step of staying safe that includes only one rule: don’t spread your passwords and other personal information.

Nevertheless, there’s a part of people who can’t rely on Internet security.

They consider that your password can be hacked easily by internet swindlers. They use special programs, which have access to the data. Moreover, some websites can be fakes that steal your personal data. In addition, many applications request your location. In these cases, we can’t be sure of your safety on the Net.

However, I can prove that it’s possible to protect yourself online. Firstly, the security of the internet has been improving since the internet became widely used. Besides, there’re some new professions created as “online police” that look for swindlers in the net.

In conclusion, I’d like to say, that we need internet safety, but it’s only in our hands.

264 words


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