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Diets are important to stay healthy (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The significance of diets in people’s lives provokes many arguments. Some people claim that everyone should control his food ration to be healthy while others argue that it is not necessary to follow the strict rules about the food to stay fit and strong.

In my opinion, a person should not follow a strict diet to stay health. To start with, the great amount of restrictions makes people unhappy. Sometimes a man in any way disrupts his diet and feels a blame. In addition, it is better for a person to do sport than to keep to a diet. Sport exercises make people health, determined and fit.

However, some people believe that a person become healthy when he or she keeps to a diet. First of all, a man can be healthy only when he reduces sugar from his ration.

The products which contain fast carbohydrates can cause diabetes. Moreover, if people want to be fit, strong and happy, they should forget about fast food at all because it contains fats that increase the risk of heart diseases.

I cannot agree with the point of view mentioned above. Firstly, sugar consumption rarely can lead to serious diseases. On the contrary, sugar is necessary for brain function. Secondly, fast food is harmful for a person but it should not be prohibited at all. If a man eats fast food seldom, it will not have a negative impact on his health.

All in all, I still think that it is not important to keep to a diet. People should not be immoderate in eating but do sport exercises to stay healthy.

269 words


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