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Audiobooks will never substitute parents’ reading books for children (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people claim that adults will read fairy tales for their kids forever, while others argue that audiobooks and modern technologies will substitute for real reading.

In my view, nothing can change traditional family reading books before a night. To begin with, only real humans are able to share emotions with their children. Therefore, reading stories is a way of showing love to the kids. Also, all members of the family can find a favorite story or a book that will symbolize wonderful childhood.

However, there’s an opposite opinion. Part of people thinks that nowadays parents became busier and busier. In this case, audiobooks are the most suitable things that were created by humans to make easier parents’ routine. What is more, parents can use them to keep their children busy with the audio, while they hold housework. In addition, audio stories are a good way of spending time for all familiars, as well as watching TV.

I absolutely disagree with the statements given above.

First of all, it’s a significant item, that parents should pay more attention to their kids. Therefore, reading books is one of the common ways to express parents’ care. It doesn’t matter how much time you have, you should be able to allocate time for your child.

emember, that all children would prefer to listen to mothers’ voices to listen to artificial intelligence.

In conclusion, I’d like to say, that modern devices have already shaped our lives. Nevertheless, computer technologies will have never substituted human love for their children.

254 words


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