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The Internet is not as good as it seems to be example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Now many people argue a lot about the essence of the Internet. Ones say that it is not secure and it can be harmful. Others believe, the Internet is good and innocuous. I would like to reflect on this topic.

In my opinion, the Internet will be harmful if you use it careless. Firstly, the Internet crime is common now. Cybercriminals can find out your personal information, illegally withdraw your money or bring the virus to your computer. You should not visit suspicious web-sites, tell unknown person in social networks many facts about yourself, trust all notifications in online-games. Secondly, there is a lot of false information in the Internet. Therefore, you should double check all facts from the Internet to avoid an awkward situation.

From another point of view, the Internet cannot be bad and harmful.

You will not meet something that may be harmful to your state of mind if you do not watch these willfully.

However, in the Internet there are many commercial images which may have bad influence on your state of mind. For example, it may be porn advertisement. In addition, you may accidently go to a site where there is a video, that shows uncensored violence, murder and so forth. It can hurt you too.

In conclusion, I would like to say, that the Internet is not good. It can be harmful. You should use it very carefully to reduce bad consequences.


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