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The Internet is not as good as it seems to be (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The Internet has changed people’s lives. It has become a vital part of our everyday life. Some people state that the Internet is beneficial to the mankind, while others accuse it of being harmful to the humanity.

According to my viewpoint, the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. Firstly, it gives people an opportunity to stay in touch with relatives and friends who are far away. It is convenient to chat with the closest people by sending message to them or having online conferences. Secondly, the Internet provides everyone with unlimited access to huge cultural heritage and enormous store of knowledge in all spheres of social life.

Nevertheless, there is a great number of people who suppose that the Internet negatively influences the humanity.

They strongly believe that the global net is hazardous to the health of a person. It uses electromagnetic radiation, whose waves are thought to worsen hearing and psychological system.

Despite my deep respect for the opponents’ opinion I follow the idea that the Internet has positive impact on the society. Scientists have not proved the significant destroying effect from radiation on people’s health. On the contrary, it is well known, that in cases of emergency many people saved their lives thanks to the Internet. It allows people to ask immediately for help and get it from rescue teams.

Taking everything into consideration, I am convinced that the Internet is as good as it seems to be. It has already proven its social utility.


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