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In spite of advances made in medicine many people around the world get Ill with severe diseases. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, step-by-step, technological progress is only accelerating not bypassing such a branch of human knowledge as medicine. However, regardless of innovations, humans continue picking up severe illnesses. This essay will explain why it is happening and which measures can fix this phenomenon.

Primarily, people believe in the omnipotence of medicine that cures any disease at whatever stage it is. They prioritize personal success and careers over their health and postpone the moment of visiting the doctor due to busyness and other reasons until it is too late.

Restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic taught humans how to approach such situations.

The threat of dismissal of those who do not often go through a full medical examination will incredibly stimulate the attendance of doctors and therefore will reduce the number of people suffering from serious illnesses.

The second issue is that without state support the cost of treatment and restorative procedures is still enormous even for those adopted decades ago. Since a significant part of the population is below the middle class far not everyone, especially those having big families, taking care of grandparents, disabled have opportunities to invest in their health.

Reallocation of financial and human resources, the emergence of international charity funds aiding free medicine around the world will launch the opposite positive trend. As for developed countries, they should devote at least 10% of GDP to fund producing of up-to-date, elaborate equipment for timely detection of the disease and institute measures, appealing advertisement to attract a bigger number of people to undergo a medical examination more frequently and do not rely on chance in recovering from illness.

In brief, since the level of medical development continues rising but there is no such an effective and cheap pill able to defeat all diseases, it largely depends on the worldwide community to emerge necessary terms stimulating more responsibility, discipline, awareness, and readiness to do whatever it takes to care about people health before they start suffering from the last stage of their diseases.


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