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Computer games (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Many teenagers enjoy playing computer games. Some people, however, believe that teenagers should spend their free time doing more physical activities. Others are sure that computer games are the best way of spending time for modern children.

I agree with the point of view that physical activities are better than computer games for teenagers. First of all, sitting at the computer causes problems with eyes and back. Also, the lack of fresh air is very harmful for teenager’s health. Secondly, teens need life communication. And they can do physical activities on the street with friends. It is more useful than playing computer games at home alone.

Virtual communication takes away the opportunity for teenagers to see and feel real emotions. Sometimes they even lose interest in each other, replacing friends with computer games.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion. Nowadays there are a lot of computer games that develop our mind. They can even learn something new for themselves in these games. Moreover, if it is a game in English or some other language that they are learning, it helps to replenish their vocabulary. So, teenagers playing useful games can improve their skills that help them to be smarter and more cunning.

However, I do not agree with this opinion. There are many useful physical activities that teenagers also develop without harm to wealth. For example, bowling, gardening or basketball. So, we should not replace these activities with computer games. Moreover, computer games develop only that part of our mind, only those skills that are necessary for playing them. I am sure these abilities are not useful in real life. This activity damages teens’ mind more than gives benefits.

In conclusion, I would like to note that an active way of spending free time is always better for all people, and especially for teens. We must not forget that teens need movements. It is necessary to understand that the computer takes away our health and if we use it less, it will be better for our life.


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