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Computer games teach us nothing пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are debates about playing computer games. Some people believe that computer games are useful for people while others claim that playing video games is just waste of time. Let me reveal this issue in my essay.

In my point of view, computer games teach us many things. Firstl of all, playing computer games can improve such skills as memory, cognition and multitasking. While playing a video game, one have to do various things that take much attention and concentration. Secondly, playing computer games can be very useful in relieving one's stress, depression and makes him or her feel better. Adding a bit of game-playing time to one's day shedule could actually improve his or her mental health.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue.

Some people disagree because they are sure that computer games teach people absolutely nothing. They think that video games are just time-wasters. They say that video games make children and teenagers waste their time and do not spend enough time for school and homework.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot agree with it completely as I am sure that playing computer games after school will not be harmful for a child. Moreover, it would be very useful for him in reducing stress and spend his or her free time doing something he/she likes.

All have mentioned above. it is important to say that it seems to me that computer games teach us many useful things. It can be a good way to train some individual skills and get interesting experience.


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