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My favourite writer. My favourite book. My favourite singer (Школьные сочинения)

My favourite writer.

I think reading is a relaxing and educational activity. Reading is a way for me to use my imagination. My favourite genres are detective novels. This week I have been reading "Ten little niggers" by Agatha Christie. I would recommend series of books about Hercule Poirot because this is one of the most interesting crime novels by Agatha Christie.

I really like Agatha Christie's books. She is one of the most popular writers in the world. She created her books which were full of suspense.

My favourite book is "Ten little niggers". The moving closer to the end in her books always stays tense. I'm sure you would like ones too.

My favourite book.

The title of the book is "Ten little niggers". It was written by Agatha Christie. It was published in 1847. It is a detective story. It's one of the famous stories by Agatha Christie. The story takes place on the island off the Devon coast of England. The story is about the deaths of ten people. The main characters are Mrs Rogers, general Mac Arthur, justice Wargrave and others. All characters are truthful, vividly described. Ten people from different places came to the island and died. Somebody killed ten people. The ending is surprising. I enjoy this book. I would recommend it.

My favourite singer.

Anna-Maria Hefele is an overtone singer from Germany. She has been practising the technique of singing polyphonic overtones. One is a voice technique where it seems like one person sings two notes together. Hefele's type of overtone singing is culturally practised in the Siberian region of Tuva. This whistling vocal version is called sygyt. The "Huffington" has commenced on her "amazing ability" and her singing being "utterly bizarre". Also, Anna-Maria created a video in which she explains and shows her talent. It has received nearly 11 mln hits.


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