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Book review Cyber Storm (Школьные сочинения)

The book I am going to review is an award-winning classic of apocalyptic fiction. Today I am reviewing ‘Cyberstorm’ by best-selling author Matthew Mather – one of his most widely known works.

The plot of the book engages you from the very beginning. Mike Mitchell, an average New York citizen trying to keep his family together, finds himself fighting to save his pregnant wife and children when suddenly the internet and networks break down and a snowstorm cuts New York from the world. This unputdownable book is written in a diary format, which makes readers feel themselves a part of the story. This trip might be actually very useful for other writers because every novelist wants his book to be read by as many as possible number of readers and critics.

The only fault I could find in this book was the unexpected ending which did not match the whole story.

Explanation of this sudden turn of events, that makes the rest of the plot seem disjointed, can be found in the next Mattew Mather’s book, which is not so popular and its plot is not so gripping. In my opinion, it is not a good idea to make people buy your unpopular books by adding its parts to others, which have a chance to bring you fame.

To sum up, I would recommend this book because it depicts how frightful a cyber storm might be from the average citizens' point of view. People should think twice before relying upon modern technologies, due to the reason that if the internet and networks suddenly turn down we will become helpless. It turns out that nobody knows how to get clean water or even how to build a fire. This may appear sad and disappointing for those who worry about humanity's future. This book also makes people think about what their benefit is for this world. Every human has to be worried about what they can do to other people around them and then other people would take care of each other to which makes the world a better place for each and every one of us. We should always think about what we do and how it will affect other people and the world in general.


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