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Playing videogames is a waste of time (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Playing computer games are considered by some people as a worthless activity However, others believe it can be a useful way of spending time. In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion. playing videogames is indeed the waste of time. Firstly, videogames can be addictive for a person. One can spend hours playing computer games, forgetting about chatting with his family or even about eating. Eventually, it causes a lot of problems, such as health and social ones. Moreover, videogames cannot teach us anything good. They do not give us any useful information, do not broaden our minds. In my opinion, videogames make people irresponsible and narrow-minded. That is why I believe playing them is a waste of time.

Some people claim playing videogames is not worthless because it is an enjoyable way of spending time.

Computer games interact you, help to relax and forget about problems. That is why they are believed by some people as the perfect way of spending time if you are tired and bored.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this statement. There are a lot of fascinating and useful kinds of spending leisure time. If you want to take a rest, going for sports, reading a book or listening to music will be much more pleasant. You can not only rest, but develop yourself and bring good to your health and mind, while videogames are unable to do it.

To conclude, I would like to emphasize that playing videogames brings more harm than good, that is why I believe it is a waste of time.


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