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Extreme tourism should be banned (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the problem of extreme tourism is quite controversial. Most people believe that adventure tourism should be prohibited, while others do not share this point of view.

As far as I am concerned, people should not be involved in extreme tourist industry, thus the latter should be banned. There are some arguments to support my point of view. To begin with, extreme tourism can be the cause of various injuries, for example, a broken leg or arm or something worse. What is more, if a person wants to engage in extreme tourism, he or she will need a lot of time, energy and health because such activity requires it.

However, there are some individuals who tend to think that adventure tourism is not such a bad thing, therefore it should not be prohibited. The most common argument in favour of their point of view is that people who do this have unforgettable impressions and memories about it.

Nevertheless, I do not completely agree with the opponents' opinion.

I suppose that people can get good emotions from different activities like cooking, playing football or travelling with friends and family.

To bring my essay to the end, I would like to say that the issue raised in the essay is rather controversial. Nonetheless, I still believe that extreme tourism is dangerous and I fully agree that it should be banned.


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