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Some people think that tourism is a very positive thing. Others think that tourism causes problems and has direct impacts on the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine our world without travelling, by the 21-st century tourism has become a vital item of income for various countries. This essay will consider opinion that this phenomenon has mutual benefits, followed by a discussion of its drawbacks and negative influence it provides on nature and suggest that the former is actually true.

There is no doubt that tourism plays important role in the whole social development since it contributes to the spirit of togetherness between people and promotes states to enhance the well-being of their citizens.

Firstly, travelling is now really accessible and offers numerous directions as never before, while on holidays anyone, in any case, learns about unfamiliar customs and history of the region, what helps a person recognize distinctions between his/her type of culture and the country he/she is now staying in, admit them and grow more polite, respectful and understanding even to the people in the homeland. For instance,

ussian writer and journalist, Vsevolod Ovchinnikov after spending a long time living in

ritain come up with an amazing book, which was able to capture English national authenticity so accurately that his book was highly regarded in the UK – a sign that two cultures definitely have common ground and there is a place for cooperation. Secondly, tourism can bring high dividends and that stimulate countries to build greater transportation system, renovate historical sights to attract more visitors but at the same time that policy improves living conditions in a particular place, affording a person to release as an identity. Thus, Singapore has evolved into a city with all opportunities for a human to lead a decent life and achieve his/her goals exactly due to concentrating on what can bring money to such a state and the main emphasis was on tourism.

However, there is another group of people, believing that tourism is phenomenon with numerous flaws including harm to natural environment. They said that travelling assumes movement of millions of people around the world drastically increasing consumption of plastic, use of vehicles in the region they are visiting, what multiply carbon dioxide and fuel emissions, overload area with bottles, wrappers, which have nowhere to recycle.

esides, the influx of tourist from various countries may bring rare diseases that are not considered dreadful in a person's homeland, but here they can be fatal and lead to the extinction of animals and native people. Nevertheless, today probability of such hazards is minimized due working system of separate garbage collection, transition on electrical transportation and special criteria for tourist’s health check.

To conclude, given that tourism helps countries and individual prosper, establish tight ties between nations and the onset of negative consequences is firmly controlled and happens less and less the phenomenon should be definitely gauged as a positive one.


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