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40. Playing sports helps to reduce stress (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of sport's influence on people’s health has long been under discussion. However, people are still in two minds about it some of them believe that sport helps people to overcome tension while others suppose that sport can not relieve stress.

Personally I belong to those people who think that sport helps to reduce stress. To begin with, doing sports is one of the ways to distract yourself from your problems and difficulties. In fact, the less you think about the bad things, the less nervous you are. Secondly, sport make people stronger and healthier. That is why sportsmen’s cope with tension more easily. In addition, sport helps to set a goal to people and makes them better-disciplined.

In general, goal-oriented people can relieve stress easily because they are concentrate on their target.

However, not all people share this opinion. Some of them suppose that sport can not help to cope with tension. Firstly, sport can give people additional stress due to the fact that sport is frequently dangerous and extreme. Secondly, professional sportsmen can tease amateurs and play tricks on them. That is why, beginners become worried and stressed.

I do not think that they are right as there are different kinds of sports, for example, swimming and running are not risky and help to strengthen our nervous system. Secondly, people should not take things too close to heart because if a person sets a goal he should do his best to achieve it.

In conclusion, all the views taken together I still stick to the point that sport enables people to reduce stress because it makes people healthier, stronger and goal-oriented. Also, sport helps people to overcome difficulties.


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