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It is better to read a book, than watch its screen version (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is better to read a book, than watch its screen version.

A lot of people believe, that better to read a book, than watch the film adaptation of the work. On the contrary others say, that this is very boring and take a lot of time.

Personally, I believe that thanks to reading the book, a person remembers the story better and understands the characters better. So I am sure that reading gives us an opportunity to find yourself in the exciting world of the book. After all, the printed version of what is happening is described in much more detail, than in the movies. Especially in film adaptations very often Directors change the plot of the story and people risk having the wrong opinion and idea about the work. Moreover, you can take a book with you and have access to it everywhere.

However, there are people who hold the opposite opinion.

They say, that reading takes a long time and often works are very boring. Also, watching film adaptations is much more interesting and exciting than reading the story. Some also believe that reading books is the last century and that you need to devote time to movies. Besides, a film saves time because all landscapes are showed and you do not need to read their descriptions.

I'm afraid I can't agree with the arguments of my opponents. Reading books and in truth takes a long time but if it is a good story it will never be boring. And many film adaptations are more boring than the works themselves. I don't agree that reading books is the last century. Reading stories has always been popular even in our time. You should not regret time wasting on reading because books make our brains work while a film switches off it.

To sum up, I can say, that by reading the work in print, people can better remember information and understand the characters of the main characters. And also, people who read the original source should not be afraid, that the plot may be inaccurate, as it can happen in the film adaptation. I want to say that books bring more advantages to people. I also would like to point out that a film is a copy. And a copy is always worse than an original book.


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