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Тульский Кремль на английском языке. Composition about Tula Kremlin in English (Школьные сочинения)

The Tula Kremlin & My Inspiration

I suppose that almost everyone has a favourite historical place in his or her hometown. Ihave been living in Tula since my birth and I am really proud of the architecture and history of this city. As for me, the Tula Kremlin is one of the most wonderful and gorgeous objects here. Now I would like to tell you about this outstanding place and about its influence on my life.

Frankly speaking, I cannot say that Tula Kremlin is the most beautiful building in the town, but this castle seems to be the oldest one in our region.

This fact really inspires me as I am fond of history. Many great battles and events are connected with the Kremlin. That is why when I walk there I feel as if I was a medieval princess. It is really pleasant to dream about evil enemies, courageous soldiers and victories of the

ussian Army walking through amazingly clean alleys of the Tula Kremlin. In my opinion, all fans of history should spend spend time in this gorgeous place in the heart of Tula region.

Anyway, let’s get down to exciting facts about this building. It’s architectural style is unique and might be one of a kind. In Tula Kremlin you can find original mixture of Italian and traditional

ussian styles. Whoever created the project of the Kremlin? Unfortunately, we do not know this person exactly, but we are thankful for such a great view of massive red and white walls, high towers and green grass.

The Tula Kremlin has always meant much for me. I spent there my childhood running between trees, flowers, banks and monuments. Today I am an adult and I appreciate exciting beauty of this sight. In addition, our government is trying to make the Kremlin look better and better every single year. I do feel happiness and pride when I hear about new events and festivals being organized in the Tula Kremlin. This place is amazing, and we ought to protect it from destruction and desolation. I hope that our Kremlin will develop and attract more and more tourists.


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