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Some forms of popular music are influential in shaping teenagers' opinions + письмо (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)





Dear Christine,

Thank you for your recent letters, it was great to hear from you again.

In your letter you asked me if you should tell your family and friends the truth about how you met this guy you are talking about. Well, as for me, you shouldn’t lie to them, because it is not fair. Moreover, it will be difficult to make up a plausible story about how you met. I think, that your family and friends wouldn’t condemn you. I have a friend, who prefers meeting people through an Internet dating sites, and it always was safe for her.

Having a party sounds cool. Where is it going to take place? How many people have you invited? Is it going to be big?

Anyway, I have to go now, it’s time for my favourite TV-show. Keep in touch.

Lots of love,



Nowadays there are a lot of different types of music to choose from. The problem of how it affects young people’s opinion is controversial.

Some people believe that some forms of popular music can influence teenagers’ opinion, while others argue that popular music is not a significant factor in shaping young men opinion.

As far as I am concerned, popular music cannot be the most influential factor which forms teenagers’ opinion. Firstly, one’s opinion is built with the help of multiple sources, for example, the others’ opinions, television, Internet books and so on. The popular music is not a deciding factor in one’s opinion. Secondly, it depends on musical taste of the person, which can be educated. For example, teenagers who study in musical schools usually listen to classical music, which cannot influence them badly.

However, some people think that wild and aggressive music such as rap is always the most popular with teenagers, so it influences badly in shaping their opinion. Young men, who listen to it, are becoming ruder and wilder.

I can only respectfully disagree with this point of view. Nowadays teenagers listen to a great variety of popular music, and it is not always provocative or aggressive. Most of music they choose doesn’t have any subtext or meaning, that could badly influence their opinion.

Taking everything into consideration I should say, that the music is not the deciding factor in forming teenager’s opinion. It is more about having fun and enjoying oneself.


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