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What most popular foreign languages among teenagers are (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays learning languages has become more and more popular. I have been doing a project on the theme of what most popular foreign languages among teenagers are. I have found some information on this topic. Now, I am going to analyze it.

Starting with the most important features, as the diagram shows, the majority of respondents (98%) prefer to learn English. What is more, only twenty percent are learning Chinese.

As it is clear from the bar chart, the percentage of voters who learn German is about four times more than the percentage of those who learn Chinese. What is more, the percentage of French learners is about twice as big as the percentage of voters who learn Arabic.

Apparently, there can arise a problem.

Unfortunately, to know languages well a person has to practice a lot. The best practice is traveling. Visiting other countries you talk with native speakers, but frequent travel requires a lot of money. To solve this problem people can visit speaking clubs or to look for the same willing to learn foreign languages and talk to them.

It is my strong belief that learning languages is an educational activity where a person develops his memory and speech.

Besides, knowing other languages helps people in different situations, such as travelling, education and speaking with other people. People who know foreign languages they will always be able to ask for help and will feel more confident.


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