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The government is solely responsible for national health (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people say that state authorities are liability for citizens' health but others claim that everybody should take care of themselves. In this essay I am going to speculate on this issue.

Personally, I strongly believe that the government is definitely responsible for national health, which generally getting worse due to factories waste. To begin with, the administration has the special power to protect the environment and peoples’ life. For instance, it can close dirty manufacturers or introduce appropriate fines. Moreover, citizens pay a lot of taxes on which the government has the opportunity to allocate money for building parks, planting trees, creating healthy days, where everyone can exercise for free.

However, there is an opposing opinion.

Others think that every person is solely responsible for national health. They believe that the government does not play any role in it because it only depends on people's wishes. Nowadays most of people lead a healthy lifestyle with the hope that they support the health of the nation.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this opinion because state authorities can motivate people, using a lot of ways, for instance, attract the political elite to promote in the media healthy lifestyle. In addition, no desire of people will help national health until the state intervenes, because it regulates all social processes and takes care of the environment on which people's health depends.

Taking into consideration different opinions on this issue, I want to say that not all people can take up their health and the government is the best helper of this problem. I am sure that the state is really responsible for national health.


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