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Everyone is personally responsible to the ecological damage to the Earth. Do you agree? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, when the question of whether every person is responsible to the environmental disasters has become a matter of heated debates, some people claim that it is government’s duty to support normal ecological condition. Still, others do not agree asserting all people should preserve the Earth. Cool!

Personally, I share the second opinion and, to my mind, it is impossible to save our planet without efforts of all people regardless OF (ещё можно irrespective of) their status and professions. First and foremost, even one person can do a lot for preventing the world from lack of resources by using bicycles instead of cars, turning off the light when it is not necessary, and using water for domestic chores wisely.

What is more, modern entrepreneurs can use solar energy and produce wholefood and ecological products which are less harmful for people’s health and environment.

However, opponents of this point of view consider that government is to blame for damage caused to wildlife as one person is unable to change the natural situation dramatically. According to this perspective, government must invest money in different ecological projects and create special organizations, which will control deforestation, toxic emissions, and save endangered species of animals.

Nevertheless, this argument does not sound reasonable enough due to the following logical assumption. Generally, individuals should be activists to be party to ecological organizations and donate money for charity as little sum of money from every person can become a good deal in total.

In conclusion, although opinions may differ, I am sure it is an obligation of all people to stop the environmental degradation. Personally, I try to buy eco-friendly products.

267 words


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