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Modern teenagers are worser than the previous generation (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that young people today are much worse than they used to be in the past, while others disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, teens nowadays are in no way inferior to those who lived 20, 30 or 50 years ago. Firstly, due to the globalization people started to discuss such topics as equality and human rights, that is why teens in the 21st century are more tolerant and kind than teenagers of the previous generations. Secondly, youngsters nowadays can get the necessary knowledge and experience not only from real life but also from the Internet so they are more conscious and mature than their predecessors at same age.

However, there are people who criticize modern generation. Their main argument is that teenagers nowadays spend a lot of time in smartphones and computers playing video games or watching serials. They say that teens are just wasting time on useless stupid things instead of studying or helping their parents.

I am afraid I disagree with the opponent’s argument.

Young people spend a lot of time online but not for fun. There are a lot of useful information such as books, online tests and websites for self-education in the Internet. Teenagers from previous generations were searching for the necessary information in libraries, sitting there for hours, while in the modern world the Internet is playing a role of a huge library.

To sum up, I would like to say, that the world is changing, that is why we should not say that one generation is better and one worse.


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