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Teenagers should teach their grandparents how to use modern gadgets (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is hard to deny that technologies became an inalienable part of everyone’s life. Elaborating on this topic, some people are firmly convinced that adolescents ought to teach their grandparents how to use present-day gadgets, whereas others hold the opposing opinion. In this essay I am going to make an attempt to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, it is advisable for teenage boys and girls to teach their grandparents how to use new gadgets. There are several reasons for that. Firstly, it is necessary for elderly people to have the ability to use modern technologies since their health is are under the risk and they have to be in touch with medical services and their children. Thus, the only people who can teach them are teenagers. Secondly, since digital literacy is a necessary skill for retired people, they should not spend their pension on expensive courses because their grandchildren, teenagers, ought to help them for free.

However, there are still some people who claim that there is no sense in teaching elderly person to use gadgets since he of she should better use special mobiles adapted to retired people.

Personally, I appreciate the other opinion, though I cannot agree with it.

The fact is that old people cannot afford those expensive gadgets and it is much easier for them to learn how to use regular ones by their grandchildren.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I still respect the opposing opinion. However, I strongly believe that boys and girls in their teens ought to help their grandparents to learn how to use new gadgets.


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