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Distance lessons are the best option in the moment of epidemic danger (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about active virus transmission. They believe that the best way for children to study in such a hard period is having lessons on the Internet. Some of them think it is a really good thing while others disagree.

In my opinion, distance lessons are the best option in the moment of epidemic danger. First of all, studying on the Internet helps pupils keep apace with the school curriculum. They will continue learning new materials and doing their home tasks. Secondly, students are at home all the time. They do not need to go out, which is safe for their heath. More than that, pupils can plan their days themselves. They are able to take the appropriate time to sleep, to exercise and to study of course.

However, some people are sure that distance studying badly influences students’ health.

The reason is that pupils spend their whole days in front of a computer screen, which is harmful for their eyes.

While this is the important thing to consider, I cannot agree with such a point of view. The reason why this approach does not work is that almost each modern computer has special functions in the settings. That means that students are able to set up the font size and the screen intensity.

In conclusion, we can see that there are lots of arguments on both sides of the debate, although I still strongly believe that distance lessons are great. They help teenagers be healthier and happier.


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