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To be healthy, it is enough to eat healthy food example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about health. Some people strongly believe that only healthy meals provide a healthy body. Other people suppose that it is not true.

From my point of view, healthy meals and products are not enabled to have a healthy body if a person does not realize the importance of other healthy habits. Firstly, it is considered that physical activity, regular sleep-wake routine and observation of water balance are given an excellent opportunity to be strong and healthy more than just healthy food. Secondly, if a person has harmful habits like smoking and drinking, it is not enough to eat healthy food to be healthy. Finally, eco and wholesome products can be very expensive. So there may not be an accessibility to buy healthy food.

However, other people believe that to eat healthy meals is enough.

Person, who does not lead a healthy lifestyle, can start with one of the easiest ways. Cooking is an interesting hobby, so it is much simpler than anything else. Moreover, healthy snacks and food are helped to get through obesity and other illnesses.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because wholesome food, as stated earlier, can be inaccessible for people with small salary. In addition, if a person has any illness, he should go to medical check up because healthy food cannot cure from dangerous illness.

In conclusion, I am completely convinced that to be healthy is implying regular physical exercises, correct schedule of the day and observation by a specialist.


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