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Extreme sports (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today’s world there a lot of opinions about how to become a real person with strong personality. Many people believe that extreme sports are the best way to become better than before. However, other disagrees with this opinion. So who is right?

As for me, I cannot agree that this method effective. First of all, extreme sports are very dangerous and if something goes wrong there is a chance that person’s confident will disappear. Secondly, you can always find other ways to improve yourself which have more advantages than dangerous sports. Books, special courses experienced people’s advices can help a lot, there is no need to take a risk as well.

However, some people disagree with this point of view. They claim that this kind of sports allows person to look fear in the eye and makes the spirit stronger.

Even so, they forget that extreme sports sometimes influence on people badly and can make them be highly opinionated.

I am sure it is not the result which every one of us wants to get.

Despite other people’s opinion I still believe that extreme sports cannot improve character as effective and good as many people think.


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