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Письма 23, 24 вариант (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)



November 26

Dear Gloria,

Thank you for your letter. I was glad to hear from you again.

In your letter you asked me about my country. Well, you know, in Russia, Moscow, there are plenty of exciting attractions to enjoy and places to go. For example, we can visit Red Square, the Kremlin, the Tretyakov Gallery, Alexander Garden and many others.

Besides, I’d like you to join me to the Bolshoi Theatre. It would be great of you to take on something special doe such occasion.

Frankly, I would be happy if you get a small box of English Tea for me. So, do you enjoy eating in trendy restaurants or in small cozy cafes? How often do you eat outside home? What do you usually have for breakfast?

Sorry, I have to go now.

Keep in touch.

Best wishes,




November 26

Dear Jason,

Thank you for your letter. I was glad to hear from you again.

In your letter you ask me about environmental problems in my area. Well, as you know, Moscow is quite a big city that’s why it certainly has some ecological problems like: traffic jams, water and air pollution. As far as I know City Council has recently started a “Plant a tree campaign”, which gives every citizen an opportunity to make our megalopolis look more green. My classmates and I have also joined this campaign, and guess what: we’ve already planted about 50 small trees and bushes!

So, have you ever taken part in voluntary work before? What other tasks are given to volunteers in Yellowstone National Park? How often do you intend to take part in volunteer work?

Sorry, I have to go now. Keep in touch.

Best wishes,



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