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Graffiti is pure vandalism + letter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is not a secret that nowadays graffiti is becoming very popular, especially among youngsters. That is why some people consider that this kind of art damages the style of megalopolis, while others disagree. Let me express my point of view.

In my opinion, every person has a right for self-expression, so graffiti helps artists to reveal and share their feelings and emotions. Secondly, this modern art direction cheers up the style of the city. Finally, graffiti can draw the attention of the government to such urgent tasks as racial discrimination, ecological problems and so on.

However, some people are sure, that graffiti spoil the appearance of buildings and the general view of the city as well. Moreover, they consider this kind of art as vandalism and associate it with strong language, violence and criminal.

I strongly disagree with this point of view, because beautiful paintings make the buildings nicer.

esides, among these paintings we can find real masterpieces.

For example, such artist as

anksy has proved that graffiti is not vandalism, but the form of self-expression and appeal to governments.

To sum up, I should say that graffiti is the form of modern art, which has the right to exist. In my opinion, it is a really good way to involve the authorities in solving public problems.



10. 01. 19

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your letter. Well, you asked me about my city. I live in Moscow, one of the most beautiful and biggest cities. Living in a big megapolis gives you lots of opportunities: to get a good education and find prestigious well-paid job. Secondly, there you can enjoy numerous attractions and different kinds of entertainment. Personally, I prefer to spend my spare time visiting art exhibitions and music festivals wihh my friends. Oh, it is great you are coming to my country. I should say that a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and a cap would be a proper choice for summer in Moscow.

So, how many people live in your town? In what area is your town located? What can you say about the climate in your area?

Sorry I have to go now. Drop me a line.

Take care,

Your Julia


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