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Is graffiti a pure vandalism? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

If you ask a regular man from a morning crowd about his opinion in such question as graffiti he will say that it is an art for blind ones with almost one hundred percent probability. It is a common point of view - conservative people deny this kind of art.

Street artists are known as an irritation for law-abiding people and for the government. They use not words or petitions to show their discontent but cans with paint. Have you ever heard about Banksy? I bet you have. He is famous for not his attractive appearance - in fact, no one knows who exactly he is - but for his bold and even evilly sarcastic paintings. He does not have any fright in front of policy and government: if there is something that bothers him he acts. In every his work he brings to the attention of citizens real problems like corruption, unfair treatment with prisoners and others. So, street art is like a crystal clear newspaper without any advertisement.

Also, most street artists are teens.

They use it to show how grown they've become and how they are not scared of law. It can help them overcome some stress produced by any cases. It is good - it gives them an adrenaline rush and they do not look for it in dangerous places using unlawful ways.

But, it is also a cornerstone. If you are an enemy of the government you can easily get to prison. Even Banksy has to keep his personality in a secret: in case he is identified he will be in a serious trouble. So, popular and brave rival of the government is always a target for them, and the level of responsibility grows with every new picture on the wall.

I really like graffiti. For me it is an open book about people in general, about their discontents and their wills. It is an era of bold statements even sometimes hidden, but it is great. But, when it destroys ancient buildings or other pieces of history I do not understand it. For me it is important to save history without any effect caused by people, to see a clear history in the days of its becoming.

In conclusion I want to say that everyone is free to show their real emotions, even using this forbidden way to express it. But, without some note of danger our lives would be really boring, but you have to know where you should stop and look back.


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