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40. Native speakers make the best language teachers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that native speaking people can teach students much better than usual teachers while others are sure that teachers who have learned the language themselves are able to give students the best knowledge. Now I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

To begin with, I do strongly support the idea that teachers who teach students their native language is the best ones. Firstly, native speakers know all peculiarities of their language thus they can talk to you all of them. Secondly, one’s native teacher can give you true knowledge about cultural traditions of the country and teach you not only formal language but also informal one.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion.

My opponents claim that studying from the native speakers is not the best way. They are sure that native speaking teachers cannot prepare for the exam, because they know only conversational language. Then, my opponents think that you will not be understand your teacher because of temp of his or her speech.

I think that the above mentioned arguments are not convincing enough. First of all, native teacher of language is a trained person who knows how correctly to give you a necessary material. Moreover, teachers always adapt to their students, and it help pupils to train listening.

Despite the fact that there are two points of view on the question, I am convinced that there is nothing more than useful and productive than study foreign language with a native teacher.


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