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Native speakers make the best language teachers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people are convinced that the best tutors are people for whom the language that they are teaching is mother. Others can disagree with this point of view and say it is difficult for students to learn a foreign language with a native speaker.

Now I would like to express my opinion on this issue. Firstly, such people know their language perfectly and do not make any mistakes. They can explain how to use different expressions in ordinary life and teach you some slang words that are used only in this country. Secondly, they have an excellent pronouncation. I would like to give an example. For the last year I was studying English with a native speaker from London. He really helped me with my accent and now I feel more confident and rarely make mistakes in pronouncation.

On the other hand, sometimes it can be difficult to explain for a student his or her mistakes and meaning of the words.

Moreover, in some cases a teacher knows well what tense to use and where. Because of it, he could have difficulties in explaining it to others.

In spite of this, I strongly believe that lessons with native speakers are better and more effective than with other teachers. You can always use a dictionary or ask your tutor to explain this material one more time until you understand your mistake. Also, you can read student books and find there grammar explanations on every tense.

To sum up, I would like to say that lessons with native speakers are educational and interesting. You have a new experience that will help you in the future.


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