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40.2 Nowadays there is a commonly spread stereotype that parents should provide timely guidance to their children on taking care of health (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there is a commonly spread stereotype that parents should provide timely guidance to their children on taking care of health. Some people claim that a parent should help to children in taking care of health, while other disagree with that idea.

From my point of view, parents have great responsibilities in their children's diet and health.

Firstly, parents should teach their children about the importance of eating a balanced diet. Parents should provide that children make healthy food choices. They are responsible for providing that these dishes are nutritious and healthy.

Secondly, parents should encourage their children to avoid junk foods and sugary snacks during the day. Also, serving a variety of foods with fruits and vegetables every day for improve health.

However, some people believe that at school, children can learn a lot about a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

To begin with, this knowledge helps children understand the importance of healthy eating and developing healthy eating habits.

In addition, they have useful resources that they learn in class.

In addition, the school has nurses who can give you recommendations on nutrition, physical training that promotes health.

To tell the truth, i do not agree with idea.

As for at school, teachers spend little time on how to properly take care of their health. I think that such an important question will be better explained by parents and children will be more receptive to this information at home.

In conclude, i would like to say that parents should continue encouraging their children to make healthy food choices while school teaches them everything how to improve children's health.


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