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Some people think that to be a success you need talent; others believe that hard work can compensate for the lack of it. It's more enjoyable to live in a big family (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people think that to be a success you need talent; others believe that hard work can compensate for the lack of it.

Many people believe that talent is the main component of someone’s success while others disagree with them and say that in order to be successful people should work as hard as they can. I want to discuss it and decide if talent is more important than effort.

In my opinion, hard work is a key to success. Firstly, people who work hard understand that their success depends only on them. They know that they need to be productive, responsible and willing to learn in order to reach their goal.

That is why they work better than others. Secondly, we live in a modern world where people can get any skill they want to. There are many books, courses and videos online which anyone is able to use to learn something new and if they have determination they will succeed.

On the contrary, there is a large group of people who believe that only talent can lead people to success. They say that talented people are able to do something original and innovative and their skills allow them to achieve success without any effort.

As for me, I don’t agree with the opposing opinion because even the most talented people can lose their chance for a better life due to their laziness. You cannot expect that you will get everything in your life just because you have inborn skills. You have to work hard for it.

In conclusion, I think people can achieve anything they want to whether they have inborn talent or not. Hard work always pays off.

It's more enjoyable to live in a big family

Nuclear families are becoming more widespread nowadays but there is a large group of people who believe that living in a big family makes their lives better and bring joy and happiness. I want to discuss it and show my opinion.

In my opinion, living in a big family is better because it has many benefits. Firstly, you will never be alone if you have many relatives. You will always have a shoulder to cry on and support from your family members if you have any problem. Secondly, living in a big family is more joyful because you have true friends around you at all times. You can always talk, play or watch movies and tv shows with someone from your family.

On the contrary, many people say that living in a big family is exhausting. You will not have personal space or peaceful and quiet time because there are so many people around you.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because I can say speaking from my own experience that life in a big family is not difficult and exhausting. This kind of life is great because you won’t feel lonely but if you need some alone time you can just ask your family members to be quite or you can go for a walk by yourself.

In conclusion, I think that people should value what they have and love their family. We cannot choose how big our family will be but it’s great to have people who always will have your back and support you.


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