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1. Watching YouTube videos is the best way to learn something new 2. Some people think that extreme sports help to build character (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


Nowadays there are strong debates on watching YouTube videos. Some people believe that YouTube can help to learn a lot of new things. Others disagree with them. In my essay I`m going to express my opinion on the matter and debate with my opponents.

From my point of view, YouTube is a wonderful resource for learning something new. Firstly, there are millions of videos on different topics and subjects.

You can watch and learn whatever you want. Secondly, you don`t need to go somewhere to watch videos. You can stay at home, take a cup of tea, turn on your laptop or telephone and open YouTube. I think that the home atmosphere should positively influence people who try to learn new information. Moreover, YouTube has a wonderful function of broadcasting. Every person has a possibility to watch interesting translations and connect with broadcasting people. So, you can ask them some questions and learn new things.

However, the opponents suppose that watching YouTube videos isn`t the best way to get knowledge. They believe that there are many useless videos on this website such as «What`s in my bag» or «100 layers of lipstick». What is more, YouTube can cause strong addiction. Sometimes people can`t choose the right video and start watching something really unnecessary. As a result, they become addicted to YouTube and waste a lot of their time on worthless content.

Nevertheless, I completely disagree with these statements. If we use YouTube rationally, it will help us to learn something new. YouTube videos can become our teachers, mentors and coaches.

All in all, I think both attitudes have the right to exist but it is my firm belief that watching YouTube videos is a perfect wat to learn new things. YouTube has everything you need, you should just start using it.


Nowadays there are strong debates on extreme sports. Some people believe that extreme sports can help people to develop strength of character. Others disagree with them. In my essay I`m going to express my opinion on the matter and debate with my opponents.

From my point of view, doing extreme sports is a wonderful way to build character. Firstly, extreme sports force you to go through different obstacles. With the help of it you can get useful qualities such as responsibility, patience and self-confidence. Secondly, extreme sports can help people to get rid of their fears. I suppose that it is an important part of character formation. Moreover, people abstract from their problems while doing extreme sports.

However, the opponents suppose that doing extreme sports is very dangerous. They believe that it can be harmful for people`s health. What is more, many psychologists are convinced that extreme sports cause various mental diseases.

Nevertheless, I completely disagree with these statements. Extreme sports can help people to temper character. Of course, they should be careful when they do it because every kind of such activity requires caution and forethought.

All in all, I think both attitudes have the right to exist but it is my firm belief that doing extreme sports positively influences people`s minds. It really helps then to build character and become mentally stronger.


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