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All subjects at school are equally useful // Collection of photo albums / to store photos in a computer (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

School subjects have been a topic of debates for many years. Some people believe that each subject at school is important and can help in children’s development while others strongly disagree with them. I want to discuss it and show my point of view.

In my opinion, not all school subjects are necessary for kids and there are a lot reasons why it is true. Firstly, every child is different and has its own interests and preferences. There are students who want to spend more time studying English but instead they have to learn chemistry and do different useless tasks. Secondly, such subjects as

ussian, English and Maths are actually useful for every student because they will need this information in their everyday life while physics and history are seldom used on a daily basis.

On the other hand, people say that a wide range of subjects are needed to make children comprehensively developed.

Everyone should have knowledge in different spheres to be an intelligent human being. All subjects help to expand ones skills, logic and memory.

As for me, I cannot agree with the opposing opinion because some school subjects give a very specific kind of information that doesn’t have any use and benefits. It is better to be good in one sphere instead of knowing the dates of wars, different formulas and biographies.

In conclusion, I think that some subjects at school are useless for most students and have no impact on children’s development as a person.

We live in a modern world and are able to use technology for many purposes including keeping photos in one place. Many people think that digital storages for pictures are better than ordinary photo albums. I want to discuss it and show my point of view.

In my opinion, it is better to store photos in a computer because it is more convenient. Firstly, people have an ability to look at their pictures anywhere and anytime. These people do not need to bring heavy albums with them if they want to show their collection to someone. Secondly, it is safer to store your photos in a computer because you will not be able to tear or lose pictures. Finally, people who keep their photos on devices do not have to pay for printing or buying expensive albums so they save a lot of money.

On the contrary, others say that having a collection of albums is more enjoyable. For some people creating these albums is a relaxing hobby. They print and keep only the best photos which reflect the most important moments in their lives.

As for me, I do not agree with the opposing opinion because storing photos in a computer is more fun and gives more opportunities to be creative because you can make up different presentations and videos with them. Moreover, you can easily delete photos if you do not like them.

In conclusion, I think that digital storage for photos is more efficient than having photo albums.


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