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One should read about sites before sightseeing (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Comment on the following statement:

One should read about historical sites before sightseeing.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200-250 words.

It is generally believed that it is a good idea to read about showplace before to go there. Some people think that it is necessary to recognise the information about attraction before sightseeing, whereas others do not agree with them.

In my opinion, one should learn more about sites before an excursion. First of all, some landmarks are related to significant and even tragic happenings in the past, for instance, wars. Consequently, people need to know more on such occasions as they should treat the memory of fallen heroes with dignity. Moreover, reading about sites contributes to increasing knowledge. Searching for information about different places expands one's mind and makes him or her more intelligent person.

However, some people think that if a person is aware of information about a place he or she wants to visit, it will not be exciting and interesting at the time of an excursion.

Also, they say that reading about attractions is just a waste of time as there are guides which can tell people everything they want to know.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this opinion. I think if a person has learnt about an impressive site he or she will desire to see it one's own eyes. Moreover, guides sometimes can forget information.

To sum up, I strongly believe that reading about sites before sightseeing is indeed worth people's time and attention as it gives a person useful knowledge. Also, it will not have a negative effect on his or her impression.


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