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Watching videos on YouTube is the best way to learn something new / Просмотр видео на Ютуб — это лучший способ узнать что-то новое (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

For the great majority of people, especially teenagers, watching YouTube videos is every day activity. This service gives different ways to learn something new and useful.

My personal view is that YouTube can give unlimited possibilities for both learning and relaxing. People of all ages and interests can find something for themselves on YouTube, because there are a lot of videos about cooking, computer games, various life hacks, educational programs, music and many others and much more.

First of all, YouTube can help with study and self-development. For example, I usually watch videos about history, diplomacy, politics and news in YouTube. In addition I am subscribed to several channels for preparing for the Unified State Exam and without them preparing for exams would be more difficult.

Another good thing about YouTube is that this service gives a great opportunity for learning languages.

For example, there are many videos of native speakers about learning their languages. You can watch movies and TV series in English or any other language, watch interviews with favorite actors in the original or listen to music in all languages.

ut some people believe that watching YouTube videos is a waste of time and there is nothing interesting there. They think that YouTube videos are all silly and only children watch them.

I totally disagree with this opinion. Of course in YouTube there are many bad videos, but everybody make choice himself what to watch in YouTube.

ut watching correct videos can bring great benefits.

To sum up, YouTube is amazing platform for different activities and everybody can find something for himself.


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