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There is no need to learn foreign languages now that computers can do the translation (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no need to learn foreign languages now that computers can do the translation

Some people believe that knowledge of foreign languages is not necessary in the modern world. There are many computer applications which can translate any text. Others think that it is needed to learn languages despite the new technologies.

I strongly believe that people have to know one or more foreign languages. First of all, foreign languages help people to communicate with each other especially with different origin people. Moreover, learning a foreign language can give school-leavers an opportunity to get a degree abroad. Besides, foreign languages open new business prospects. In particular, it is useful for international corporations.

On the other hand, computer apps can replace the knowledge of languages. Firstly, there are many online-translators which people can use at any time.

Secondly, it is more convenient to have a smartphone than a dictionary. If people use translate-applications, they do not have to remember foreign words.

I disagree with the mentioned above arguments. To begin with, in the digital world there are many technologies used for translating texts, but only few apps provide the correct version. Learning foreign languages allows people to get new knowledge about other countries’ culture. That is why, people can make translations more correctly than computers.

Summing it all up, in the digital world people can live without any knowledge of foreign languages and use computer technologies but only learning foreign languages can open new perspectives, choices and chances.


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