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Intelligence ensures financially stable future (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the issue of high intellect causes a great discussion in society. Some people are convinced that financially sound future is not guaranteed by having high intelligence. However, many others do not think so.

In my opinion, intellect does not guarantee a stable income. To begin with, there are many examples when scientists with their fantastic abilities could not make money because they cannot properly apply them their knowledge. So Therefore, one can have a huge amount of knowledge, but not being able to make money on it earn a living. Furthermore, experience is more valuable than intelligence. Many employers look at take into consideration your the employee’s work experience, not your their I. Q.

However, there is another point of view.

It is said that intellect is very important because it helps more effectively acquire skills and it provides mental, moral and aesthetic development which can be extremely beneficial when getting a job.

I do not fully agree with this position because if a person wants to earn a lot, they will do everything to achieve this, regardless of how high their I. Q is. Hard work always leads to results, no matter what.

Summing up, I can say that whether people’s future will be financially stable depends only on theirselves. One has to work hard and improve your skills and then the result will be achieved. That is why I believe that braininess couldn’t assure you financially solid futurity.


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