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Artificial intelligence has revolutionized almost all spheres of our lives. Some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially intelligent robots. To what extent do the benefits of using AI in the workplace outweigh the disadvantage (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Analysts agree that artificial intelligence is an integral part of the fourth industrial revolution. Already, those processes that can be automated are performed by robots.

But while such an approach enhances business efficiency and removes the human factor, I also think that AI is still very expensive in implementation and the limitations of our economy will have negative consequences if more and more jobs go to non-living beings.

One of the biggest drawbacks of robotics is that the ubiquitous transition to AI will lead to incredibly severe structural unemployment.

Knowing the economic theory, it can be said that the wages that workers of a particular production receive come to the market of goods and services, thereby presenting a demand for the results of their labor.

Remove this factor and the payback of new technologies can stretch for hundreds of years due to the low living standards of citizens. Then the apparent progress will turn into a large-scale decline.

In addition, A related criticism is that robotics is a flashy luxury. Not every entrepreneur, especially representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, is decisive enough to purchase such devices, which for many years will bring him/her losses due to high costs, also risking losing competitors with a traditional organization of labor. Therefore, the idea that all the work will be done by AI is still by far exaggerated at least for now.

Despite these downsides, humanity cannot deny that robotics has made various spheres of life safer and more comfortable. The unnecessary collection of information of traffic density, accidents, weather data allows AI to control the switching of traffic lights, significantly speeding up the movement of cars. In addition, driver assistance functions are gradually being introduced, for example, the system, if necessary, calls a tow truck.

There are also huge benefits to using AI, surprisingly, for agriculture. Nowadays, the involvement of harvesting robots, drones providing reliable delivery of hazardous chemicals, and bots recognizing and eliminating weeds have become a real breakthrough. Many samples are already very affordable and make a real contribution to the fight against hunger in certain regions.

Clearly, AI introduces numerous benefits if used pointwise in a specific company or industry. Nevertheless, our world is not yet ready to accept the consequences of this innovation. However, cheaper materials, maintenance, and government provision of alternative jobs can multiply pluses and decrease drawbacks.


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