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College website improvement email (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you in order to explain what sort of advice new students might find useful.

At present, the college website has lots of factual information about courses, but it actually may be useful to add some advice for new students. Most of the students come to your college from other towns. This is why it is important to include information about the city and the residence to live in. Even more, the map of the college and the area around it might be useful for new students.

Secondly, new students may not have many friends in college, but you can help them by including some advice about finding new friends or looking for a club to join. Moreover, some students from the older courses may like to help newcomers with their studying there for the first several days. You could leave their contacts on the main page so new students would see who they can call for help or advice.

Moreover, new students have to prepare for college and they need some advice about the skills and knowledge they need to study there.

This sort of advice they should be able to find on the college website because people from other websites and forums may give the wrong information about your college, which would shorten the number of new students if they do not prepare as well as they could being aware of the official list of needed skills and knowledge.

Finally, students have to know how to deal with finances, so they can pay for their education in college and do not spend all the money at once. Articles from finance masters may help them to deal with this problem. Those articles should be situated on a separate page, in order not to make a lot of mess on the main one.

I hope you appreciate my views on the topics I mentioned and you will improve your college website using my advice about what sort of information new students may find useful when preparing for college. Please, take into consideration the information given in this email to make the college website better for everyone.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Potter.


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