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Show me your room and I will tell who you are (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, when the question of whether one’s room reflects her or his spiritual world has become a matter of heated debates, most people claim that human personality is impossible to find out judging only by her or his room. Still, others argue that one’s own room can say a lot about the character.

Personally, I share the second opinion and, to my mind, a permanent place of living shows people’s personal traits and determines their behaviour. First and foremost, there are always belongings related to some hobbies, which can help getting to know inward nature of owners, in one’s room. In addition, some books for studying or paper work taken home usually point to people’s occupation and target subjects.

However, opponents of this point of view think that personal things, furniture or condition of the room cannot tell all about a person. For instance, neat people do not have much time for household chores because of their busy lifestyle and great amount of work.

Nevertheless, this argument do not sound reasonable enough due to the following logical assumption.

Generally, organizing a living place is a part of domestic routine, which has to be done daily, for both smart and industrious people. Because it goes without saying that a private room is a little world where people relax and get over stress.

In conclusion, although opinions may differ, I strongly believe that personal room is a reflection of who people are inside. Personally, there are many things of my real interests in my room.


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