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Digital literacy is the way to success in any occupation (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are many factors that may influence a successful career. There are people's qualities, education, the level of responsibility or the ability to use modern technologies. Some people consider that the key to professional success is digital literacy. Others believe that success does not depend on one's ability to use computes.

I think that digital literacy is an important factor to become professionally successful. Firstly, in the modern world new technologies are used everywhere. And people should to be able to use them. Secondly, it is more efficient to do things with a computer. For example, it is more productive to type a text with the help of the computer than to write it by hand. Thirdly, new technologies provide people with some opportunities that are impossible without a computer: printing creati or presenting ntetactive projects.

The opponents say that digital literacy is not required for some professions. Many people do not know how to use new technologies, but they are successful singers, dancers or painters. Moreover, to be successful a person must be organized, disciplined, clever, polite and these factors are more important than computers skills.

I disagree with the opponents. Even if the profession does not require computer skills directly, the use of a computer may help the person to perform the work properly. For example, singers use a computer to make the song sound better, Moreover, a person may have many positive traits of character, but if he or she does not have computer skills required for the job, he or she will never be successful.

As a conclusion I would like to stress that digital literacy is important for achieving success in many occupations.


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