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Choosing life profession (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Choosing a profession is not easy. After all, the profession determines the fate of a person. And fate is a very complex concept. In the old days, when this word was coined, it was formed from the word "judge". It was believed that the gods judge in advance what awaits a person in the future. In fact, fate was determined by the environment in which a person was born, what his ancestors did. It was not customary to argue with fate. You had to accept what you were meant to do with humility. Of course, this is partly true in our time.

Often children learn from their parents ' skills from an early age, so it is easier for them to go through life the same way. But, nevertheless, modernity offers us a much greater choice than before.

The education system allows you to test your strength in different directions. The labor market is changing rapidly, so the experience of parents may not always benefit the younger generation.

For example, such a profession as "shopper" could hardly exist in our country thirty years ago. After all, most people could not afford to hire a professional stylist who would select their wardrobe.

Yet, the most popular ones are traditionally: information technology specialists, lawyers, drivers, managers (sales, purchasing, Finance). Next are engineers, installers, accountants, pharmacists, teachers, psychologists, and doctors.

If you think about the near future, you can assume that such specialties as engineers and technologists in the field of nanotechnology will gain strength.


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