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Spending money on your pets (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about spending too much money on their pets while lots of stray animals need a shelter.

As for me, I totally agree that people should not remain indifferent to this problem. Firstly, it is not difficult to distribute your spending so that it is enough not only for your own pets, but also for stray animals. Secondly, there are incredibly a lot of abandoned animals on the streets that we can not feed ourselves. The only way to help them is to create shelters, where take care of starving animals will not be one person, but a whole organisation of volunteers. And finally, people, who have already taken animals should always take care of them and not abandon them at the first difficulties. For example, many people moving out decide to leave their pets absolutely without anxiety about it’s future destiny.

Opponents of this view argue that stray animals constitute a real threat to people and some of them should be exterminated. Furthermore, lots of animals are carriers of the hazard diseases.

Personally, I strongly object to this statement, because I think it is cruel and unfair. Moreover, instead of destroying sick animals, we ought to cure them and put them into shelters.

Needless to say that the problem of stray animals is still not resolved. All in all, I strongly believe that people will seriously think about this problem and do something with it.


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