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Commenting Generations apart? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The article under review is entitled “Generations apart?” and is written by Gael Lindenfield.

It dwells on the problem of grandparent’s and parent’s amount of influence over children and each other’s lives. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the relationships between parents, grandparents and adult people grown by them.

The author starts by telling the reader about her “primitive urge to extend her family”. However, it was not an instinct and rather an urge to do what is right for her grandchildren as she, as a psychotherapist, is hyper-aware of how life-transforming a good relationship with a grandparent can be. In the author’s view, grandparents help build psychological security by giving their grandchildren a sense of belonging. The author supports this point of view by showing two different examples of her patients, whom she helped emotionally simply by reawakening a cherished memory of loving relationships with a grandparent.

Furthermore, she mentions that researches of Britain’s scientists showed that nowadays children and grandparents rarely have such intimate relationships. According to that, the problem of contact between grandparents, grandchildren and their parents lies in mere geography or the lack of free time. However sad this situation is for both parties, there is no bitterness or resentment. The article ends with author’s comments upon estrangement due to divorce or separations. The author considers it to be a painful process for the grandparents as they never lose hope to communicate with their family.

It seems to me that these problems have become even more noticeable in the recent years. I think that people underestimate the importance of contacting with their grandparents, even though the amount of means of communication nowadays is enormous.


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