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All generations of a family should live together (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays nuclear families are a common thing. However, there are plenty of people who believe that extended family brings more benefits to its members. Let us consider this issue in detail.

I personally favor separation of generations’ living spaces. To begin with, many parents can be overprotective and revolve around their children so they cannot get a normal level of socialization: for example, they do not know how to pay the bills as their family always does it for them. Moreover, the more people share the apartments, the more quarrels they may have about household issues like washing the dishes.

However, quite many people think that for offsprings moving out can be a real danger. Firstly, they can turn to be not mature enough to cope with lots of routine but important things like cooking or paying rent, which leads to problems with health or even with law.

Secondly, without any control children can start to take drugs or drink alcohol constantly.

To a certain extent it is right, but young people cannot learn to control themselves if they do not try to do it by their own. It is common knowledge that people learn from their mistakes and this is for better to make them than to live all the life under parents’ protection.

All in all, we should not underestimate the benefits of living separately for different generations. Even if the younger members do something wrong, correcting their mistakes by themselves makes them mature.


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