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Commenting I see you (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The article under review is entitled “I see you” and is written by S.A. Mathieson.

It dwells on the problem of modern society’s lack of anonymity and privacy. The main purpose of the article is to show citizens how they could be tracked and traced.

The author starts with an introduction in which he states that the government’s abilities and methods to track its citizens are increasingly effective, accurate and almost invisible. Furthermore, he mentions the Visionics’ software, used to decrease crime rates in shops of UK, which scans potential robbers using face-recognition software and let a person decide whether or not to contact the police.

As you can see, mobile phones log on to the nearest base station, that is why it is easier to know your location and even send you promotional messages from shops near you.

Besides, banks too have accurate location data – especially about electronic card transactions and cash machines with a time of transaction.

In my opinion, I agree that nowadays surveillance methods have become more sophisticated. Though the problem of anonymity and privacy itself has two sides of a coin. On the one hand, it helps the society to decrease crime rates, track and trace terrorists and so on, but on the other hand, ordinary people suffer from lack of privacy, receiving promotional messages and calls; their health records, browsing habits, purchases and financial data is available for everyone who is interested in it.


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