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The future of education — books or computers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

World is altering, and nowadays more and more people are using various kinds of technology. The issue about what should pupils use in order to gain some knowledge: printed books or computers, is controversial. Some people think that the educational sphere should develop and people should use computers. However, others think that technologies will never substitute ordinary books.

Personally, I think that in the near future students will prefer to use computers in their educational process. Firstly, laptops can store a lot of books. There is a variety of information in one device which can allow a person to find necessary information quickly, it is not time — consuming. Secondly, there is no any outdated information in the Internet while in the book one can find it.

However, others reckon that it is more expedient to use printed books while you are studying because computer’s screen can be rather harmful for the eyesight.

Nevertheless, I still stand my ground. I consider that special features of modern computer’s screens allow people to use computers without any high risk to human eyes, even working in the darkness. Besides, traditional books are not less harmful for the eyesight than computers.

To sum up, I firmly believe that technology is an integral part of our modern world. It is quite possible that after a while computers will be a part of education, taking into account, how fast technological progress is developing.


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